Elbow Room

Hey loves,
So I big chopped my hair (again lol) and as I was doing it, I felt so proud of myself for doing what was healthy for my hair, rather than keeping it for keeping it sake, and doing it gave me the most liberating sensation..all that good stuff ya know?
I was free of unhealthy hair! But mostly I was free from people's stigma! Or so I thought.
However, life is not always that simple and when it isn't just you and your mirror, other people's opinions can be so strong and matter so much that, whatever your personal opinion was....what even was my personal opinion? Exactly. 
It is sometimes so hard to not care about what people think but when you begin doing positive things for you it is honestly the first step of liberating you from them. 
Enjoy :)

Nathan and I shot at the coziest restaurant/bar called Elbow Room in 2nd street, St. James. This mahogany door was everything, it added such a serene and antiqueness to the street!

I'm wearing a shirt I borrowed from my mom, a dress I made into a skirt, Chinese Laundry shoes, jewellery from random store in NY and a bag from L&M Touch of Class, contact them via landmtouchofclass@gmail.com

Hope you guys enjoyed,
Much love! x.

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