Have you ever experienced moments where you just sit, meditate and reflect on your life?
Like actually sit and think about why negativity is consistently coming your way or what is causing it?
Why your relationships may be failing?... Why your life is on pause?
Furthermore, why good things may have been happening for you in the past but just can't figure out why then and not now. Well this was me a few days ago, super confused and conflicted! But I had to get real with myself and study what I may have been doing differently or what place I was in at the time and realize that bad or good things begin with you furnishing the space for these atmospheres. It is so sad that we don't realize the welcome party we are already planning for these energies in our life... I didn't!
At the end of the day all these things begin with you, me and the appraised objective...
Man, being aware of your thoughts is so important...
So Nathan and I shot at Limegrove, Barbados' local high end mall...
''Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds'' ~ Bob Marley
Peace & love x.
See you soon!